As the country starts to emerge from the PANDEMIC and people start moving again, we need both better public transport and more people using it to stop congestion returning and to reduce our impact on the environment.
The recent DfT issued document Bus Back Better sets out the approach and expectations on authorities and operators to use £3Billion in new funding, but leaves many questions open on how to achieve it. Clearer bus service information and green vehicles are readily understood, while fare simplification and multi-modal ticketing are going to be harder to realise. A step change is needed in the solution for multi-modal multi-operator ticketing which is affordable and rapid to deploy.
At MaaStran with our partners we have brought together the components to help Local Authorities and Operators improve the proposition for customers using public transport. In particular, we can:
Enable acceptance of contactless cards for travel on bus and tram
Extend validation of ITSO passes and concessions to smaller operators
Make better use of customer’s own mobile for journey information and ticketing
Offer combined bus and rail ticketing in a single transaction
For more information about our solution, please send us a message via Linked in or email us direct.